Porter, Eliot. Antarctica. Photo available. New York. E.P. Dutton. 1978. Folio. Hard cover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $45 |
Book ID: 150650 |
Porter, Eliot. Antarctica. Photo available. New York. E.P. Dutton. 1978. Folio. Hard cover. First edition. Full number line. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $30 |
Book ID: 193726 |
Porter, Eliot. The Greek World. Photo available. New York. E.P. Dutton. 1980. Folio. Hard cover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $45 |
Book ID: 150651 |
Porter, Lindsay. Porsche 911. Guide to Purchase & DIY Restoration. Photo available. Sparksfield. Haynes Publishing. 1994. 256 pps. 4to. Decorated hard cover. Reprint. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $30 |
Book ID: 222110 |
Porteus, Stanley D. Calabashes and Kings. An Introduction to Hawaii (inscribed by author). Photo available. London. George G. Harrap & Co. 1954. 284 pps. Octavo. Hardcover. First edition. Inscribed by the author. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine (very light edge wear) dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $25 |
Book ID: 105901 |
Postel, Mitchell P. San Mateo. A Centennial History. Photo available. San Francisco. Scottwall Associates. 1994. 298 pps. 4to. Hardcover. First edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $30 |
Book ID: 185507 |
Potter, Ginger. Baja Book IV. The Guide to Today's Baja California. Detailed City Maps. Photo available. El Cajon. Baja Source. 1996. 127 pps. + index. 4to. Soft cover. Fourth, revised edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $20 |
Book ID: 229252 |
Potter, Neil. The Queen Mary. Her Inception and History. Photo available. San Francisco. San Francisco Press. 1971. 160 pps. Octavo. Gilt decorated hard cover. Revised and updated edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in near fine (very light shelf wear) dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $30 |
Book ID: 219630 |
Prager, Hans G. Through Arctic Hurricanes. Adventure in a Fishery Protection Ship. Photo available. New York. Thomas Yoseloff. nd. Octavo. Hardcover. First edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Near fine copy (fading to edges, name on end paper) in very good (light edge wear) dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $25 |
Book ID: 219705 |
Prasad, Govind. From Cane Fields to Battlefields. Inscribed by the author. One Man's Journey Around the World. Photo available. Raleigh. Ivy House. 2003. 215 pps. Octavo. Hardcover. First edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Inscribed by the author "To Ron & Andrea with best wishes Prasad. Jan 6, 2004". Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $50 |
Book ID: 212077 |
Prentice, Glynna. Escape to Mexico. Everything You Need to know to Retire Better, Invest Well, an Enjoy the Good Life for Less. Photo available. Waterford. International Living. 2018. 242 pps. Folio. Soft cover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $40 |
Book ID: 228380 |
Prescourt, Geoffrey. Hertz: Going the Extra Mile. Photo available. New York. Hertz. 1993. 4to. Decorated hard cover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $30 |
Book ID: 184616 |
Presten, Eric. Vintage Flyers III. Inscribed by the author. Photo available. Vineburgh. Prewar Publications. 2011. 530 pps. Folio. Gilt decorated hard cover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Inscribed by the author "Tailwind Eric Preston". Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $40 |
Book ID: 204202 |
Price, Harry. The Royal Tour. 1901. Or the Cruise of H.M.S. Ophir. Being a Lower Deck Account of Their Royal Highnesses, The Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York's Voyage Around the British Empire. Photo available. New York. William Morrow. 1980. 4to. Hard cover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $25 |
Book ID: 158207 |
Prior, Colin. Living Tribes. Photo available. London. Constable. 2003. 4to. Hardcover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine (closed tear along spine edge) dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $25 |
Book ID: 174766 |
Prior, Rupert. Ocean Liners. The Golden Years. A Picture Anthology. Photo available. London. Tiger Books. 1993. 4to. Hard cover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $20 |
Book ID: 169619 |
Pripps, Robert N. John Deere. Yesterday & Today. Photo available. Lincolnwood. University Publicatons International. 2010. 192 pps. 4to. Hardcover. First edition. Full number line. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $30 |
Book ID: 202606 |
Pripps, Robert N. Vintage Ford Tractors. The Ultimate Tribute to Ford, Fordson, Ferguson, and New Holland Tractors. Photo available. Stillwater. A Town Square Book. 1997. 160 pps. Folio. Decorated hard cover. First edition. Full number line. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $50 |
Book ID: 226514 |
Pritchard, Sandra F. Roadside Summit Part II. The Human Landscape. Colorado. Photo available. Summit. Summit Historic Society. 1992. 170 pps. 4to. Soft cover. First edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy (rear top corner lightly creased).
Price: $30 |
Book ID: 215875 |
Proehl, Stephen. Over Cape Cod and The Islands. Photo available. Boston. Houghton Mifflin. 1979. 140 pps. 4to. Gilt decorated hard cover. First edition. Full number line. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $40 |
Book ID: 215964 |
Protasio, John. To the Bottom of the Sea. True Accounts of Major Sea Disasters. Photo available. New York. Lyle Stuart. 1990. Octavo. Hard cover. First edition. Illustrated. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $20 |
Book ID: 140831 |
Provost, Stehpen H. Highway 99. The History of California's Main Street. Photo available. Fresno. Craven Street. 2017. 272 pps. 4to. Soft cover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $25 |
Book ID: 204151 |
Pugh, Peter. The Magic of a Name. The Rolls-Royce Story. Part Three: A Family of Engines. Photo available. Cambridge. Icon Books. 2002. 338 pps. Folio. Gilt decorated hard cover. First edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $50 |
Book ID: 228854 |
Pulling, Pierre. Indian Canoeing. Photo available. Billings. Montana Indian Pub. 1976. Octavo. Soft cover. First edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $20 |
Book ID: 157069 |
Putman, Robert. Early Sea Charts. Photo available. New York. Abbeville Press. 1983. 143 pps. Folio. Gilt decorated hard cover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine (very light fading to edges) dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $45 |
Book ID: 219760 |