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Hejzlar, Jese. Chinese Watercolours. Photo available. London. Octopus Books. 1980. 4to. Hardcover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $35
Book ID: 186676

Held, Shirley E. Weaving. A Handbook of the Fiber Arts. Photo available. New York. Holt, Reinhart and Winston. 1978. 368 pps. 4to. Soft cover. Reprint. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $35
Book ID: 225350

Heller, Ena Giurescu (ed). Icons or Portraits? Images of Jesus and Mary from the Collection of Michael Hall. Photo available. New York. The GAllery at the American Bible Society. 2002. 4to. Decorated hard cover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $35
Book ID: 185566

Heller, Jules (ed). North American Women Artists of the Twentieth Century. A Biographical Dictionary. Photo available. New York. Garland Publishing. 1995. 613 pps. Folio. Hardcover. First edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy (several "discarded" stamps).
Price: $30
Book ID: 195483

Heller, Jules. Papermaking. How to Make Handmade Paper for Printmaking, Drawing, Painting, Relief and Cast Forms, Book Arts, and Mixed Media. Photo available. New York. Watson-Guptill. 1978. 216 pps. 4to. Decorated hard cover. Reprint. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $25
Book ID: 217331

Heller, Rienhold. The Art of Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Photo available. Washington. National Gallery of ARt. 1972. 4to. Soft cover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Fine copy (lettering on spine lightly rubbed).
Price: $30
Book ID: 192026

Heller, Steven & Anne Fink. Covers & Jackets! What the Best Dressed Books are Wearing. Photo available. New York. Library of Applied Design. PBC International. Rizzoli. 1993. 186 pps. Folio. Soft cover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $35
Book ID: 222481

Heller, Steven & Louise Fili. Typology. Type Design from the Victorian Era to the Digital Age. Photo available. San Francisco. Chronicle Books. 1999. 196 pps. 4to. Soft cover. First edition. Full number line. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $25
Book ID: 215829

Hemingson, Vince. Tattoo Design Directory. The Essential Reference for Body Art. Photo available. New York. Chartwell. 2009. 224 pps. Octavo. Hardcover. Comb binding. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $20
Book ID: 227611

Hendra, Tony. Brad '61. Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Photo available. New York. Pantheon. 1993. Octavo. Hard cover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $25
Book ID: 143971

Hendrickson, Janis. Roy Lichtenstein. 1923-1997. The Irony of the Banal. Photo available. Koln. Taschen. 2019. 96 pps. Folio. Decorated hard cover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Facsimile Lichtenstein signature Fine copy. As new.
Price: $40
Book ID: 234261

Hendrix, Jimi. Experience Hendrix. The Best of Jimi Hendrix. Transcribed Scores. Photo available. Milwaukee. Hal Leonard. nd. 366 pps. Folio. Soft cover. First edition. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $25
Book ID: 225399

Hendrix, Leon & Jimi Hendrix. David Garibaldi. Painting with Rhythm. Photo available. Cupertino. Enfantino Publishing. 2008. 158 pps. 4to. Hardcover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $65
Book ID: 201300

Henery, Jeanne-Claude. Christo. The Gates. Central Park, New York City. 1979-2005. Photo available. Koln. Taschen 2005. 4to. Soft cover. First edition thus. Illustrated in black, white and color by Wolfgang Volz. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $35
Book ID: 166009

Henery, Jeanne-Claude. Christo. The Gates. Central Park, New York City. 1979-2005. Photo available. Koln. Taschen 2005. 4to. Soft cover. First edition thus. Illustrated in black, white and color by Wolfgang Volz. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $25
Book ID: 179374

Henestrosa, Andres & Martha Chapa. Hacia Otro Paraiso. Photo available. np. Derechos Reservaos Conforme. 1997. 115 pps. 4to. Decorated hard cover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $100
Book ID: 213669

Heng, Choy Kung. Lessons in Chinese Painting. Photo available. Hong Kong. Pak Check Lau Studio. 1970. 207 pps. Octavo. Hardcover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Near fine copy (lacking pages 11-14) in near fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $20
Book ID: 200100

Henger, Sue. Sandow Birk: The Depravities of War. Photo available. Makawao. Huipress. 2007. Folio. Decorated hard cover. Stated first edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $65
Book ID: 193752

Henke, Jzmes. Marley Legend. An Illustrated Life of Bob Marley. Boxed set. With CD-Rom. Photo available. San Francisco. Chronicle Books. 2006. 4to. Decorated hard cover. Second edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. With CD-Rom. Fine copy in fine slip case. Complete.
Price: $40
Book ID: 224104

Henriques, Anna Ruth. The Book of Mechtilde. Photo available. New York. Alfred A. Knopf. 1997. 83 pps. Octavo. Hardcover. First edition. Illustrated in color and black & white. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $20
Book ID: 116785

Henry, Francoise. Irish Art in the Early Christian Period (to 800 A.D.). Photo available. Ithaca. Cornell University Press. 1965. 256 pps. + plates. 4to. Gilt decorated hard cover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine (price clipped) dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $50
Book ID: 233993

Henry, Francoise. Irish Art in the Romanesque Period (to 1020 - 1170 A.D.). Photo available. Ithaca. Cornell University Press. 1970. 240 pps. + plates. 4to. Gilt decorated hard cover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $50
Book ID: 233994

Henry, Gerrit. Jeanette Pasin Sloan. Photo available. New York. Hudson Hills Press. 2000. 4to. Hard cover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $40
Book ID: 170712

Henshall, Kenneth. A Guide to Learning Hiragana and Katakana. Photo available. Rutland. Charles E. Tuttle. 1994. Octavo. Soft cover. Illustrated. Fine copy.
Price: $20
Book ID: 156968

Henzke, Lucile. Art Pottery of America. With price list. Photo available. Exton. Schiffer Publishing. 1982. 368 pps. Folio. Gilt decorated hard cover. First edition. Illustrated in color and black & white. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Price list laid in. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $30
Book ID: 224468

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