Schroder, Eggert et al. Apassionata. Horses on Parade. 4 CD-Roms. Die Galancht der Pferde. Photo available. Hamburg. Edel Classics. 2006. Folio. Decorated hard cover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Multiple languages. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. 4 CD-Roms. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar). As new.
Price: $45 |
Book ID: 226526 |
Schroeder, Michael. Gilbert Munger. Quest for Distinction. Photo available. Afton. Afton Historic Society. 2003. 168 pps. Folio. Gilt decorated hard cover. Stated first edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar). As new.
Price: $40 |
Book ID: 228418 |
Schroeder, Roger & Frank Newmyer. Gamebird Taxidermy with Frank Newmyer. Photo available. Harrisburg. Stackpole Books. 1989. 256 pps. 4to. Gilt decorated hard cover. Stated first edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $45 |
Book ID: 212703 |
Schroeder, Roger. How to Carve Wildfowl. Book 2. Best-in-Show Techniques. Photo available. Harrisburg. Stackpole Books. 1986. 287 pps. 4to. Gilt decorated hard cover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar). As new.
Price: $45 |
Book ID: 234134 |
Schroeder, Roger. John Scheeler. Bird Carver. Photo available. Harrisburg. Stackpole Books. 1988. 288 pps. 4to. Hardcover. First edition. Full number line. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $30 |
Book ID: 199880 |
Schroeder, Roger. John Scheeler. Bird Carver. Photo available. Harrisburg. Stackpole Books. 1988. 288 pps. 4to. Gilt decorated hard cover. First edition. Full number line. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $30 |
Book ID: 218510 |
Schultze, Jurgen. Alexij Jawlensky. Photo available. Koln. Verlag M. DuMont Schuberg. 1970. Folio. Hardcover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Tipped-in plates. Very scarce in this condition. Fine (some pencil underscoring) copy in near fine (chip at spine tip) dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $35 |
Book ID: 186852 |
Schuster, Felicia. Vases of the Sea. Far Eastern Porcelain and Other Treasures. Photo available. New York. Charles Scribners & Sons. 1974. 157 pps. Octavo. Hardcover. First edition. Illustrated in color and black & white. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $30 |
Book ID: 126199 |
Schwalbach, Mithilda. Silk-Screen Printing. For Artists & Craftsmen. Photo available. New York. Dover. 1970. 4to. Soft cover. First edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $20 |
Book ID: 155414 |
Schwartz, Judith S. Confrontational Clay. The Artist as Social Critic. Photo available. Kansas City. Exhibits USA. 2000. 4to. Soft cover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy. As new.
Price: $50 |
Book ID: 224072 |
Schwartz, Leah. Leah Schwartz. The Life of a Woman Who Managed to Keep Painting. Photo available. Mill Valley. Strawberry Press. 1990. 294 pps. Folio. Gilt decorated hard cover. Stated first edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar). As new.
Price: $100 |
Book ID: 233441 |
Schwartz, Marvin D. et al. The Furniture of John Henry Belter and The Rococo Revival. An Inquiry into Nineteenth-Century Furniture Design Through a Study of the Gloria and Richard Manney Collection. Photo available. New York. E.P. Dutton. 1981. 88 pps. 4to. Gilt decorated hard cover. First edition. Full number line. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $25 |
Book ID: 216146 |
Schweitzer, Barnhard. Greek Geometric Art. Photo available. London. Pahidon. 1971. 352 pps. 4to. Gilt decorated hard cover. First edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in near fine (spine fading) dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $45 |
Book ID: 211809 |
Schweitzer, Robert. Bungalow Colors. Exteriors. Photo available. Salt Lake City. Gibbs Smith. 2002. 192 pps. Folio. Soft cover. First edition. Full number line. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $50 |
Book ID: 229883 |
Schwin, Lawrence. Old House Colors. An Expert's Guide to Painting Your Old House (Or Not So Old) House. Photo available. Sterling. Sterling Main Street. 1990. 128 pps. 4to. Soft cover. First edition. Full number line. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine (owner name on end paper) copy.
Price: $20 |
Book ID: 229077 |
Scobey, Jan. He Rambled! Until Cancer Cut Him Down. Bob Scobey. Dixieland Jazz Musician and Bandleader. 1916-1963. Photo available. Northridge. Pal Publishing. 1976. 344 pps. 4to. Decorated hard cover. Stated first edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $35 |
Book ID: 189058 |
Scobey, Jan. Jan Scobey Presents He Rambled! 'Til Cancer Cut Him Down. Bob Scobey, Dixieland Jazz Musician and Bandleader, 1916-1963. Photo available. Northridge. Pal Publishing. 1976. 344 pps. 4to. Decorated hard cover. First edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $25 |
Book ID: 198228 |
Scott, David. John Sloan. Photo available. New York. Watson-Guptill Publications 1975. 223 pps. 4to. Gilt decorated hard cover. Stated first edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $30 |
Book ID: 219606 |
Scott, Felicity D. Architecture of Techno-Utopia. Politics After Modernism. Photo available. Cambridge. The MIT Press. 2007. 247 pps. 4to. Gilt decorated hard cover. First edition. Full number line. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $95 |
Book ID: 225681 |
Scott, Jane Wooster. The Art of Jane Wooster Scott. Signed by the author. An American Jubilee. Photo available. Canoga Park. Collectors Editions. 1993. 4to. Hardcover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Signed by the author. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $40 |
Book ID: 185249 |
Scully, Sean. Sean Scully. LA Deep. Photo available. Los Angeles. Lisson Gallery. 2022. 96 pps. Folio. Decorated hard cover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy. As new.
Price: $50 |
Book ID: 228414 |
Scully, Vincent. Architecture. The Natural and the Manmade. Photo available. New York. St. Martin's Press. 1991. Octavo. Hard cover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy (owner inscription on end paper) in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $25 |
Book ID: 136446 |
Scully, Vincent. The Shingle Style Today or The Historian's Revenge. Photo available. New York. George Braziller. 1985. 119 pps. Octavo. Soft cover. Second edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $20 |
Book ID: 231520 |
Searle, Ronald & Heinz Huber. Haven't We Met Before Somewhere? Germany From the Inside and Out. Photo available. New York. Viking Press. Studio Book. 1966. 190 pps. 4to. Hardcover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in near fine (closed tear on front panel) dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $30 |
Book ID: 202913 |
Searle, Ronald & Tom Lehrer. Too Many Songs by Tom Lehrer. With Not Enough Drawings by Ronald Searle. Photo available. New York. Pantheon. 1981. 160 pps. 4to. Soft cover. Reprint. Illustrated. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $25 |
Book ID: 205459 |