Sitwell, Sacheverell. British Architects and Craftsmen. A Survey of Taste, Design, and Style during Three Centuries. 1600-1830. Photo available. London. B.T. Batsford. 1945. Octavo. Hard cover. First edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $20 |
Book ID: 158297 |
Siuru, William D. Presidential Cars & Transportation. From Horse and Carriage to Air Force One, the Story of How the Presidents of the United States Travel. Photo available. Iola. Krause. 1995. 160 pps. 4to. Decorated hard cover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy. As new.
Price: $25 |
Book ID: 198452 |
Sivin, Carole. Maskmaking. Mask Making. Photo available. Worcester. Davis Publications. 1986. 138 pps. 4to. Decorated hard cover. First edition (number line begins with "2"). Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy. As new.
Price: $35 |
Book ID: 230726 |
Siviter, Roger. A Photographer's Guide to Railways. Photo available. London. Peerage Books. 1989. 136 pps. Folio. Decorated hard cover. First edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $35 |
Book ID: 225305 |
Sizer, Mona D. Texas Politicians. Good 'n' Bad. Photo available. Plano. Republic of Texas Press. 2002. 238 pps. Octavo. Soft cover. First edition. Full number line. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy (remainder mark on fore edge).
Price: $20 |
Book ID: 196523 |
Skaff, Andy. Andy Skaff. The Color of My World. Inscribed by the author. Photo available. Oakland. Emerging American Artists. 2008. 47 pps. Folio. Decorated hard cover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Inscribed by the author "To Jan All the best Andy Skaff". Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $50 |
Book ID: 230809 |
Skeggs, Jean, Riding Along. Inscribed by the author. A Biography. Photo available. np. Self published. 1980. 124 pps. 4to. Gilt decorated hard cover. First edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy. As new.
Price: $40 |
Book ID: 228329 |
Skelton, Glenn. The Haiku Path. Photo available. Mill Valley. np. 1972. 55 pps. Octavo. Hardcover. First edition. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $20 |
Book ID: 122233 |
Skelton, R.A. Explorer's Maps. Chapters in the Cartographic Record of Geographical Discovery. Photo available. London. Spring Books. 1970. 337 pps. 4to. Gilt decorated hard cover. First edition thus. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine (owner name on end paper) copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $40 |
Book ID: 223864 |
Skelton, R.A., Thomas E. Marston and George D. Painter. The Vinland Map and the Tartar Relation. Photo available. New Haven. Yale University Press. 1965. 291 pps. Folio. Hardcover. First edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $40 |
Book ID: 100737 |
Skelton, R.A., Thomas E. Marston and George D. Painter. The Vinland Map and the Tartar Relation. Photo available. New Haven. Yale University Press. 1965. 291 pps. Folio. Hardcover. Reprint. Illustrated. Folding map. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine (very light edge wear) dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $45 |
Book ID: 141098 |
Skelton, Robin. J.M. Synge and His World. Inscribed by the author. Photo available. London. Thames and Hudson. 1971. 144 pps. Octavo. Hardcover. First edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Inscribed by the author "For Herber (Siebner) from Robin with admiration & affection. 1971. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $40 |
Book ID: 202488 |
Skelton, Russell, R. Route Surveys. Photo available. New York. McGraw-Hill. 1949. 531 pps. Octavo. Hardcover. First edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Folding plates. Very scarce in this condition. Near fine copy (owner names on end papers) copy.
Price: $25 |
Book ID: 192928 |
Skilnik, Bob. Beer. A History of Brewing in Chicago. Photo available. Fort Lee. Barricade Books. 2006. 416 pps. Octavo. Hardcover. Stated first edition. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $20 |
Book ID: 199330 |
Skimings, Eloise A. Golden Leaves. Photo available. Goderich. The Signal Press. 1904. 346 pps. Octavo. Gilt decorated hard cover. First edition. Rare. Fine copy (light sunning to covers).
Price: $85 |
Book ID: 203626 |
Skinner, Ada & Eleanor & Jessie Wilcox Smith. A Little Child's Book of Stories. Photo available. Avenel. Children's Classics. 1998. 238 pps. 4to. Gilt decorated hard cover. Reprint. Illustrated in black, white and color by Jessie Wilcox Smith. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy. As new.
Price: $30 |
Book ID: 221996 |
Skinner, Ada & Jessie Willcox Smith. A Child's Book of Stories from Many Lands. Photo available. New York. Children's Classis. 1988. 207 pps. 4to. Decorated hard cover. First edition. Full number line. Illustrated in black, white and color by Jessie Willcox Smith. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $20 |
Book ID: 205597 |
Skinner, B.F. About Behaviorism. First edition. Photo available. New York. Alfred A Knopf. 1974. 256 pps. + index. 4to. Gilt decorated hard cover. Stated first edition. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $100 |
Book ID: 230826 |
Skinner, Michael. First Air. A Novel of Air Combat in the Persian Gulf. Photo available. Novato. Presidio. 1991. 403 pps. Octavo. Hardcover. First edition. Very scarce in this condition. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $20 |
Book ID: 120481 |
Skinner, Tina & Melissa Cardona. Wine Cellars. An Exploration of Stylish Storage. Photo available. Atglen. Schiffer Pub. 2004. 156 pps. 4to. Decorated hard cover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $40 |
Book ID: 216301 |
Skipworth, Mark. The Scotch Whisky Book. Photo available. London. Hamlyn. 1987. 4to. Hardcover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Fine (owner name on end paper) copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $20 |
Book ID: 179416 |
Skipworth, Robert. A Virginia Gentleman's Library. Photo available. Williamsburg. np. nd. 15 pps. Octavo. Soft cover. First edition thus. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy. As new.
Price: $20 |
Book ID: 233168 |
Sklar, Robert. Film. An International History of the Medium. Photo available. New York. Harry N. Abrams. 1993. 360 pps. 4to. Decorated hard cover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar). As new.
Price: $40 |
Book ID: 219882 |
Skloot, Rebeca. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Photo available. New York. Crown Pub. 2010. 370 pps. 4to. Gilt decorated hard cover. Reprint. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $25 |
Book ID: 230548 |
Skolnick, Arnold (ed). Paintings of California. Photo available. New York. Clarkson Potter. 1993. 128 pps. 4to. Gilt decorated hard cover. First edition. Full number line. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar). As new.
Price: $50 |
Book ID: 233476 |